korat-info.com - #331.546 (#4.283 in Thailand) Int. Forum, German lang. mainly - still active
korat.info - #1.254.708 (#13.317 in Thailand) Tourist info in German - dormant
2korat.com - #2.912.069 (no regional ranking given) Blog, Tourist Info in English -dormant
koratmagazine.in.th - 5.136.799 (no regional ranking given) Website, Tourist Info (EN, TH) - Last updated, 2006.6.10
mgnewman.com - #8.634.851 (no regional ranking given) Website, Webcam... (EN)
korat-weekends.blogspot.com - 15.508.156 (no regional ranking given) Foto-Blog (EN)
joelandchoom.net - 18.679.975 (no regional ranking given) Website, weatherst., webcam, blog... (EN)
buadhai.blogspot.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Thailand Travel Blog (EN)
phimai.wordpress.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog (EN) (unlinked due to its owner's vandalism) - no posts since 2019
pa-teaw-phimai.blogspot.com/ unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog about tourist attraction in Phimai (EN) - no posts since 2014
koratcity.blogspot.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog (EN) - no posts since 2009
Vandalfie's koratfart-info.blogspot.com unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog (unlinked due to its owner's vandalism)
koratguide.blogspot.com - unranked (no Thailand ranking given) Blog
koratpostlovelygroup.blogspot.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog
koratstories-by-me.blogspot.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog
nakhonratchasima-tour.blogspot.com - unranked (no regional ranking given) Blog
ontour-korat.blogspot.com -no rank (no regional ranking given) Blog
sites.korat.info (formerly koratfarang.blogspot.com - Subdomain not measured) Blog
korat.forum24.se no data (Subdomain, not measured) Swedish Korat forum
korat.wikia.com no data (Subdomain, not measured) Wiki
wikitravel.org/nakhon_ratchasima no data (Subpage, not measured) Wiki